FOREST4EU Extended summaries booklet is now available!

During its first year of life, FOREST4EU Project has collected best practices, innovations and other relevant knowledge from the selected EIP-AGRI Operational Groups.

The collection of this data has brought to the definition of 175 Extended Summaries: an incredible result!

For each ITHub, the consortium has collected more than30 extended summaries, with the help of the corresponding Operational Groups in the specific ITHub.

For ITHub1 – Wood mobilisation, 34 extended summaries have been collected, from 5 different EU Countries.

For ITHub 2 – Forest adaptation to climate change,  FOREST4EU partners have collected 35 extended summaries, coming from 6 different EU Countries.

For ITHub 3 – Sustainable forest management and ecosystem services,  FOREST4EU Partners have collected 36 finished extended summaries from 4 different EU Countries.

For ITHub 4 – Non-wood forest products, FOREST4EU Partners have collected 36 extended summaries from 5 different EU Countries.

For ITHub 5 – Agroforestry systems, FOREST4EU Partners have collected 33 extended summaries from 7 different EU countries.

All these details have been collected in the Extended Summaries Booklet: here, all the information about the 5 ITHub extended summaries are available, such as the most used keywords, the innovations, and the number of OG per country.

For more info, download the Extended Summaries Booklet here!