The Project
FOREST4EU – European innovation partnership network promoting operational group dedicated to forestry and agroforestry is a Horizon Europe project aiming at connecting existing Operational Groups (OGs) from different countries around Europe, in order to favour the transfer of knowledge and best practices between experts in this field.

Operational groups in Europe
Have been financed with regional funds in some countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, UK and Slovenia) in order to create partnerships among forestry and agroforestry stakeholders for innovating the forestry sector. However, most of the OG’s results were only disseminated at the local and regional levels, without crossing national borders.

Innovation Topic Hubs - ITHubs
The project will establish 5 multi-actor EU cross-countries Innovation Topic Hubs (ITHubs) related to 5 identified topics in forestry and agroforestry sectors:
- Wood mobilisation
- Forest adaptation to climate change
- Improving approaches, models and tools of sustainable forest management
- Non-wood forests products
- Agroforestry.
The ITHubs will act as cooperation and innovation networks for an efficient knowledge transfer-exchange between different regions in Europe.
The main goal of FOREST4EU
Is to develop a European multi-actor network to promote and disseminate best practices related to the innovation of national forest and agroforestry among EU countries