On November 26th, 2024, FOREST4EU partners European Forest Institute (EFI) and Centar kompetencija d.o.o. za istraživanje i razvoj (CEKOM) brought their efforts to organize a Knowledge Transfer Workshop, one in Finland, and one in Croatia. Read below to learn more about them!
CEKOM workshop
The FOREST4EU Knowledge Transfer Workshop, brought together experts from Italy, France, and Germany to share best practices in forestry and agroforestry. The event, held in a hybrid format, featured presentations on innovative approaches like using drones and multispectral cameras for forest management. Participants discussed new business models, sustainable forest management, and financing opportunities for forestry and agroforestry projects in Croatia. The workshop aimed to foster knowledge exchange among Croatian stakeholders, including representatives from universities, government agencies, private companies, and forestry associations. It was participated by representatives of University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Croatian Union of Private Forest Owners Associations, Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, PFO Associations, Croatian Forests, Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers, private consultant companies and Croatian Agricultural Chamber – EU CAP Network Croatian representative.
Operational Groups involved: GO-PRI.FOR.MAN (Italy, online tool), PIF (France), GO-SURF (Italy), Bee Forest (Germany), and NEWTON (Italy).
EFI workshop
The workshop showcased innovative forestry and agroforestry practices developed by European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Agriculture Operational Groups. The online event attracted nearly 30 participants from Finland and other European countries. The event was opened with Sustainable Bee Forest concept and its implementation in Hesse, Germany was presented by Mr. Roland Feit from Forstbetriebsgemeinschaft (FBG). Next, diversification of edible wild mushroom cultivation with new native species in Spain, was presented by Director Carles Diaz from Cooperative Bolet Ben Fet – Teb Verd. Mr. Pierre Gautier from Architect from Bâtiment Bois de Normandie described Prefabricated modular construction system made from Normandy hardwoods in France. As the closing presentation, Digital Marteloscope tool was introduced: it is a technical and educational tool for smart forestry management (BIOSEIFORTE) by Mr. Mattia Balestra & Prof. Carlo Urbinati, Università Politecnica delle Marche. Presentation by Mr. Andreas Sundberg, Brännland Iscider on New and innovative cultivation methods of highly productive apples adapted to northern climates in Umeå, Sweden was unfortunately cancelled, and we hope to hear about this innovation at a later occasion.